Secure Code Warrior® Learn creates customised courses tailored to the preferred programming language(s) of each learner. Each course is curated to provide a complete learning experience, empowering developers to sharpen their security skills and deepen their understanding of software vulnerabilities.
Step 1
Navigate to Learn from the top menu
Step 2
If it's your first time visiting Learn, you will be prompted to select your preferred languages
Step 3
Choose your preferred languages and click select to confirm your selection
Step 4
Now, you will see a list of courses tailored to the languages you selected. Simply click on a course to get started.
Each course include a chapter or more and each chapter includes multiple topics. Each topic is structured as follows:
Note: The number and type of activities in each topic vary depending on the selected language and content availability
- Video: Learn foundational software security fundamentals and concepts
- Guideline: learn both general mitigation strategies to strengthen their security knowledge, as well as in-depth best practices for the selected language/framework
Walkthrough: Experience the impact of software vulnerabilities with hands-on simulated apps upon real-world applications to build and practice offensive secure coding skills
- Challenge: Learn how to locate, and fix software flaws
- Coding Labs: Advance your secure coding skills through hands-on training with intuitive feedback in a fully powered in-browser IDE
QUIZ (where available)
Challenge: Play a challenge to see how well you can locate and fix security flaws
A topic will be marked as complete once you either complete all activities or complete just the quiz within that topic
The course will be marked as compelete once you finish all chapters included in the course.
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