NOTE: Only Company Administrators and Team Managers can create Tournaments.
It's finally time to set up a Secure Code Warrior® tournament. To make your tournament creation nice and easy, you can watch the video below, or keep scrolling to read through this guide before getting started.
Step 1
Select Tournaments on the top main menu then click the New Tournament button to make the magic happen
To begin, click Start Now. If it's not your first time, jump ahead and keep reading.
Step 2
Configure the tournament by uploading a picture, giving it a name, description, language/framework.
Choose an image for your tournament.
Name the tournament. Include the year or other point of reference to easily refer back to it in future.
Give the tournament a description to let participants know what it's all about. Include specific details about the tournament or training event related to it.
Join Code
There is an option to add a tournament Join Code. Join codes make it easy to invite specific participants or groups. This is ideal if you're running a couple of tournaments simultaneously for different developer groups as it can stop them from accidentally joining the wrong one.
The platform can create a unique join code if you click Autogenerate.
If the tournament will be open to all participants, leave this section blank.
Start Time and Finish Time
Set the tournament date and set a start and finish time. No one will be able to join until the designated start time.
Tournament Timezone
This is especially important to consider if your company operates across multiple countries and timezones.
Step 3
Choose the languages/frameworks that will be allowed for the tournament. Developers can choose from the list of approved languages when they join.
Step 4
After choosing the tournament languages, you'll be able to select the Total Number of Challenges your tournament will have.
Depending on the languages chosen, the total number of challenges and missions can vary. This helps keep things fair for players in mixed language tournaments.
The slider can be used to control the number of normal challenges in the tournament which doesn't apply to 'bonus level' missions. If 'bonus level' is switched on, 5 missions will be added to the tournament.
Step 5
Click Advanced Settings to reveal more configuration options.
General Settings
- Maximum Participants - Set the maximum number of participants for the tournament
- Enable Hints - Choose whether to allow participants to use hints in the tournament
Leaderboard Settings
- Show Leaderboard - Choose whether or not to show the leaderboard
- Auto-Hide? - Automatically hide the leaderboard at a specified point in the tournament
Other Settings
- Custom Rules - This is where you could add a welcome message for participants
- Suggest UI induction for new users - Provides a quick tournament guide for new users
- Bonus Level - Five Missions are added and made available to the tournament
Scoring Configuration - Gives a breakdown of the different scoring parameters
- Forgiving = Easy
- Default = Medium
- Aggressive = Difficult
Note: Bonus Stage missions (if enabled) have a different scoring algorithm to the other Challenges (Level 1 to Level 8). Refer to the Bonus Stage tab in the Scoring Algorithm Parameters for details on scoring for Base Stage challenges and Bonus Levels
Please check out this article for more information about Bonus Levels.
Step 6
Next, it's time to assign Tournament Administrators to help manage the tournament and review results.
Click to view a list of Team Managers or Company Admins that can be nominated as tournament administrators.
Step 7
Click on Challenges Preview to see the number of challenges in the tournament and the challenge level.
Tip: You can make changes to challenges after the tournament is published, but only if no developers have registered for it.
Step 8
Click the Save & Publish button when you're happy with your tournament set-up.
Step 9 (Last one!)
Click the Tournaments tab on the menu to go back to the main page and see how your tournament looks. (Yup, it looks great.)
Additional Notes
Note: Keep in mind, if participants have registered, you won't be able to change the challenges.
To edit your tournament, click the Manage button.
If you're concerned participants might register before you've confirmed everything, click Unpublish. This reverts the tournament to a draft and lets you make changes at your leisure.
And that's it, you're all done. Until next time, anyway.
We have more information and advice about tournaments and you can find it all here.
Next Steps
Engagement Cheat Sheet: Tournament Edition
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