We believe Secure Code Warrior must be safe & secure for all our users. Our CEO and teams treat security as our #1 priority and guide our decisions based on our Security and Privacy Principles. If you find a security vulnerability in Secure Code Warrior's products or services, we'd appreciate your help in responsibly disclosing the details to our team.
Report a security issue found in our platform, products or systems
IMPORTANT: Please email support@securecodewarrior.com to report any security vulnerabilities or use the "feedback" button within the Secure Code Warrior platform.
Step 1
Click the Help button on the top menu, then click Submit bit or feedback
Step 2
Send us all the details in Your message section then click Send
We'll acknowledge receipt of your vulnerability report as soon as possible and strive to send you regular progress updates. If you're curious about the status of your report, feel free to email us again.
To help us fix issues faster, please use these reporting guidelines:
- Provide Secure Code Warrior with full details of any discovered issue.
- In the best interest of our users and their data, please do not publicly disclose the issue until it has been addressed by Secure Code Warrior
- Never purposely disrupt services for other users
- Never attempt to access or modify data from other users
- In order to keep everyone safe, please act in good faith towards our users' privacy and data during your disclosure. We won't take legal action against you or administrative action against your account if you act accordingly
Note: Please refrain from requesting compensation for reporting vulnerabilities. Where possible, we try to make confidential issues public after the vulnerability is announced.
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