When you create an assessment you have the ability to set the start and end dates for it.
How to set the start date?
Under the Advanced Options section in the assessment, you can set both the start and end dates.
Can I set the start date without setting an end date?
Yes, you can set the start date and leave the end date blank and vice versa.
When you set a start date that's in the future, users won't be able to take the assessment before that date arrives.
Can I edit the start and end dates after publishing the assessment?
Yes, you can edit the start and end dates after the assessment has been published.
A few things to keep in mind though:
- Changing the start date to a future date will prevent users (including those who have already started the assessment) from starting or resuming the assessment before the new start date arrives
- Changing the end date to a future date won't have any impact on users
- Changing the end date to a date in the past will prevent users from starting or resuming the assessment and the assessment will also be marked as closed
Will start and end dates be displayed to users?
Yes. When users navigate to the assessment they'll see summary that includes a note displaying the start and end dates of that assessment
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