Major updates
Create and manage courses more easily with our new Courses creation experience
- Instead of taking time replicating the process, you can focus more on the content and strategy to help your developers learn more effectively with the new Courses.

Get early access to new features
- You can now turn on new beta-testing features by using the Early Access options in the Administration area. No more manual enablement needed. Early Access options are currently available for company admins.
Secure ABAP applications with newly released training content
- Finally, ABAP engineers can also enjoy developer-led security training. ABAP coding challenges are available across Training, Courses, Tournament, and Assessment playmodes (and Missions are coming soon).
Other updates
- An improved home page view is available for early access.
- Updated microlearning experience for developer tooling integrations.
- Added more vulnerability modules for course managers to select under “Target Specific Vulnerabilities” mode in the Courses creation flow.
- Added a specific subcategory, “Insufficiently Protected Credentials”, under the “Authentication” category (already containing 147 challenges and available for 33 different languages:frameworks).
- Added Missions for “Buffer Overflow” vulnerability.
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